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Sign Maven Plugin allows you to creates Open PGP / GPG signatures for all of the project's artifacts without any external software.

This plugin can replace maven-gpg-plugin in an easy way and provide new features.


  • all the signing operations are done using Bouncy Castle
  • support Maven 3.6 and is ready for next version 4.0 of Maven
  • support subkey for signing
  • easy to use on CI system, configuration can be provided by environment variables
  • key passphrase can be encrypted by standard Maven Password Encryption
  • no needed store private key on CI system - you can use key from environment variable


Key preparation

Before begin please read: Open PGP / GPG private key preparation

Skip execution on missing key

Signing configuration in the most time is prepared for production environment. In order to simplify configuration, by default, plugin skip executions if private key was not found. Only information about missing key is displayed.

You can change this by setting skipNoKey options to false.

Key configuration provided in environment variables

Key configuration can be provided by environment variables: SIGN_KEY, SIGN_KEY_ID, SIGN_KEY_PASS.


  • When using environment variables for configuration, SIGN_KEY - must contain private key content - not file path for key
  • Configuration in environment variables have always priority then another configuration, so if will be provided will be used first

Your pom configuration can be simplified to:


Key configuration provided in settings.xml


  • When you use serverId option, rest plugin configuration will be not used. All data for key must be provided by settings.xml
  • Configured environment variables can overwrite information about key

You can define server entry in your settings.xml, like:

            <username><!-- key id in hex, optional --></username>
            <passphrase><!-- private key passphrase, can be encrypted --></passphrase>
            <privateKey><!-- private key file location --></privateKey>

                    <!-- the same id as in settings.xml -->

Key configuration provided in pom


  • Configured environment variables can overwrite information about key

                    <keyId><!-- key id in hex, optional --></keyId>
                    <keyPass><!-- private key passphrase, can be encrypted --></keyPass>
                    <keyFile><!-- private key file location --></keyFile>