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Simple usage

You can try it by running in your project directory:

mvn org.simplify4u.plugins:pgpverify-maven-plugin:check

If you want check your dependency on each build, please add to your project:

    <!-- To define the plugin version in your parent POM -->

    <!-- To use the plugin goals in your POM or parent POM -->

keysMap usage

keysMap with PGP fingerprint from project


keysMap with PGP fingerprint from external artifact


keysMap with PGP fingerprint from external resource


Show information about signature

We can see information about signature for a specific artifact, running:

mvn org.simplify4u.plugins:pgpverify-maven-plugin:show -Dartifact=junit:junit:4.12

as a result we get

    groupId:     junit
    artifactId:  junit
    type:        jar
    version:     4.12

PGP signature:
    version:     4
    algorithm:   SHA1withRSA
    keyId:       0xEFE8086F9E93774E
    create date: Thu Dec 04 17:17:33 CET 2014
    status:      valid

PGP key:
    version:     4
    algorithm:   RSA (Encrypt or Sign)
    bits:        2048
    fingerprint: 0xD4C89EA4AAF455FD88B22087EFE8086F9E93774E
    master key:  0x58E79B6ABC762159DC0B1591164BD2247B936711
    create date: Sun Jul 27 14:31:46 CEST 2014
    uids:        [.... (JUnit Development, 2014) <mail@....>]

By default, information about jar artifact is displayed. You can specify packaging, classifier, artifact property format is:


You can add property showPom to also show information about corresponding pom file.

mvn org.simplify4u.plugins:pgpverify-maven-plugin:show -Dartifact=junit:junit:4.12 -DshowPom

IT tests

Many example of usage can be found in project IT tests: